Das Nr. 1 Abnehmkonzept für Geschäftsführer und Unternehmer.

"Massendiäten lösen dein Problem  kurzfristig - individuelle Systeme
 langfristig ..."
 - PatFit Premium Coaching

Patrik im Meeting mit Kunden
 ( Jörg Fechner )

Patrik hat mit seinem Team bereits über 600+ Helped entrepreneurs throughout the DACH region to reach their feel-good weight without the JOJO effect. Here are 3 other things our customers praise about us:
  • Eat without giving up: Wir bauen deine Ernährung nach deinen Vorlieben auf  trotz süßen und deftigen Essen.
  • Eating without a time observance: 
    Wir verlassen uns nicht auf "Raten und Hoffen" -  es gibt in unseren Konzepten keine Essenszeiten, nach denen du dich richten musst.
  • Abnehmen trotz Alkohol :  Abendveranstaltungen, Geburtstage, Geschäftsessen. Vom Selbständigen bis hin zum Vorstand, mit über 1000 Angestellten, samt einer 90h Woche. 
Some of our customer testimonials
In diesen Interviews handelt es sich um
echte Menschen die freiwillig bereit waren, ihre Ergebnisse zu teilen. Viele unserer
 Kunden möchten aus Diskretionsgründen nicht öffentlich  gemacht werden.
Wir bitten um Verständnis!
Anbei einige Fallbeispiele diverser Geschäftsführer aus unserem Ernährungskonzept.
Volker Frank (51), Managing Director of Netable IT GmbH

"... you don't want to eat salad and shakes for the rest of your life either!" - Volker Frank

Almost 30 kg weight loss despite company, family and commitments in the stressful everyday business life

"...the previous methods were a flagellation!" - Markus Richter

From 83kg to 77kg despite multiple business interests, infrequent eating, alcohol and cravings for sweets.
Markus Richter (41), Business Angel & CEO of Happy & Fresh Advisory & Investment Company mbH
Timo Fuhrmann (54), 
managing Director TF insurance broker GmbH

"... lost 20.3 kg despite alcohol, without exercising and not eating delicious food."

From 110 kg to 89.7 kg despite entrepreneurial stress, irregular eating, but above all without giving up business meals, alcohol, sweets and the like.

"... the doctor said heartburn once a week is normal!" - Christian Forsthuber

In this interview, Christian Forsthuber gives personal insights into our coaching.

Christian Forsthuber (45),
Managing director engineering office Forsthuber GmbH
Jandirk Burchards (46), Manager/Pharmacist  
the Frisian pharmacies & Linda pharmacies

"...I never lasted long..." - Interview with Pharmacist & Managing Director, Jandirk Burchards

From 89 kg to 80 kg despite managing 2 pharmacies, eating irregularly, but above all without giving up alcohol, sweets and without sport.

"Manuel Simon lost 12.7 kg without exercising and without giving up food."

From 110 kg to 89.7 kg despite entrepreneurial stress, irregular eating, but above all without giving up business meals, alcohol, sweets and the like.
Manuel Simon (39),
managing Director Eagle Tower & Buthelow Tower
Julius Left (57), 
managing Director WB flower Company Handels GmbH

"- Julius Linke lost 11.4 kg in weight despite wine, pasta, pizza, chocolate, etc. pp.."

In this detailed interview, Julius Linke describes his collaboration with us and how he managed to weigh two digits for the first time in 20 years.

"... finally happy, no more high blood pressure and the wife is happy again!"

In this interview with Jürgen Schnar I only go into the topic - Biohacking - and how Jürgen came to a new attitude towards life through my tips.
Jürgen Schnar (49),
Managing director of the Schnar translation agency

Thomas Wagner (47), 
managing Director Evotecma GmbH

"approx. 20kg less in the case of Thomas Wagner, despite a lack of exercise, alcohol, and irregular eating habits."

"Alone, I couldn't have done it ..." - Interview with Thomas Wagner about losing weight without sports

"15kg less Tobias Wirth. Challenges of business, food, old-pattern (sweets), alcohol, and irregular food"

"... even so, a diet guru who eat the Wisdom with spoons" - Tobias Wirth in the Interview
Tobias Wirth (41),
Managing Director Kitchens & Concepts GmbH

Ray Schönefeld (39), 
managing Director Physensio GmbH

"From 100kg to 82 kg, in spite of much Stress, irregular eating and sweet Desires."

20kg weight loss through nutritional optimization - "I had not thought that it will work .." - Ray Schönefeld

"9.6 kg in 8 weeks without sports - Richard Michel about his experience with Patrik Waldmann Vaclavik"

Richard Michel (43),
Business consultant

Damiano Ligori (45), 
Restaurant Owner & Chef

"Weight loss is approx. 12kg in 8 weeks."

12kg down despite 14h days. "You need the right System for everyday life, otherwise it is nothing."
 - Damiano Ligori

"15kg way despite the Stress & a 80h week.
Martin Scheffler in an interview with Patrick W. Vaclavik"

Martin Scheffler (52),

Anthony Gramann (48), 
Gramann Digital Printing GmbH

"21kg down about 30 employees - irregular food - alcohol - lack of exercise, & more. "

- Anthony Gramann in the Interview

"16kg down - Stress / 140 employees / JoJo effect"

- Tim slate stone in an Interview.

Tim Slate (45),
The managing Director of the Solit group

Interview with the media Manager
How does the application process look like?

1. You apply for the free initial consultation.
Click on the green button and fill in our form for a free initial consultation. 
2. A team member will call you within 48 hours.
Ein Team-Mitglied von uns wird sich bei     dir binnen 48h melden und dir einen Termin  für das Erstgespräch mitgeben.
3. Free analysis by phone.
An employee will determine why your long-term weight loss is failing & assess whether and how we can help you.
Our Team

Patrik Vaclavik Waldmann
Patrik Waldmann Vaclavik is a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant, and has specialized since 2017 and exclusively on the self-employed & entrepreneur. According to the Bank's merchant apprenticeship, he has changed the industry and his passion for the profession.

"The most beautiful feeling it is to see people happy and to provide you with the right strategies and systems, a new way of life. The joy for me!" - Patrik Vaclavik Waldmann

Lucas Meyer - B.Sc. nutritional sciences
Kundenbetreuung Leitung - Land DE & AUT
Lucas has a degree in nutritional science and takes care of our customers to achieve their goals without the JOJO effect. 

"It's always amazing that when entrepreneurs come to us, they can't imagine that you can lose weight in the long term without the JOJO effect despite unregulated everyday life, alcohol and lack of exercise. I have a lot of fun explaining the strategies to our customers and being successful in everyday life to involve."

David Abrow - M.Sc. nutritional sciences
Kundenbetreuung Leitung - Land CH & UAE
David Abrow has a Masters in Nutritional Science and coaches our clients from Switzerland to success. Living in Potsdam, David is an important part of the team. 

"Especially the Swiss like to eat hearty and hearty and this must be integrated into everyday life as much as possible. Nobody should go without food or have to go hungry when losing weight."
Our location - Potsdam

 Castle street 22
14467 Potsdam

 Tel.: +49 331 81269409
E-Mail: coaching@patfit.de

Apply now for a free initial consultation!
Please note: Unfortunately, purely physically, it is not possible for us to serve more than a handful of clients and at the same time deliver strong results.
Our service is in high demand. In order to work with us, an application is necessary. In a free initial consultation, we find out which strategies are best suited to your persona and everyday life and how you can best manage to lose weight in the long term and without the JOJO effect despite the challenges you face in everyday business.
Click on the button below to go to the application:
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